In Italian language, adjectives, like names, have two genres: masculine and feminine. They also have different forms for singular and plural.
The majority of adjectives belong to two main groups:
- the first group has four forms:
O for masculine singular
A for feminine singular
I for masculine plural
E for feminine plural
For instance, the adjective "bello" - which means beautiful - belongs to this cathegory and is formed in this way: BELLO, BELLA, BELLI, BELLE. The same for the adjective "italiano", which becomes ITALIANO, ITALIANA, ITALIANI, ITALIANE.
il ragazzo bello, la ragazza bella, i ragazzi belli, le ragazze belle
il ragazzo italiano, la ragazza italiana, i ragazzi italiani, le ragazze italiane
- the second group has just two forms:
E for singular
I for plural
For example, "grande" - that means big - is GRANDE together with singular names and GRANDI together with plural names. The same with the adjective "francese", whose singular form is FRANCESE and the plural is FRANCESI.
il cane grande, la casa grande, i cani grandi, le case grandi
il ragazzo francese, la ragazza francese, i ragazzi francesi, le ragazze francesi
- some are invariable, like BLU, ROSA, VIOLA, etc.
il maglione blu, la camicia blu, i maglioni blu, le camicie blu...
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