Food is an important part of Italian culture and life. It is very important to know Italian food and how to order it.
For instance, for breakfast we eat
- caffè / cappuccino / latte macchiato which are coffee / coffee and milk / milk with coffee;
- cornetto / fetta di torta / panino which are croissant / cake / sandwich;
- spremuta d'arancia which is orange smoothie.
To order them, we say:
- Vorrei un caffè per favore = I would like to have a coffee, please
- Io prendo un panino per cortesia = I take a sandwich, please
- per me un succo di frutta per piacere = for me a fruit juice, please.
For lunch, we usually eat pasta. For dinner, meat=CARNE, fish=PESCE or vegetables=VERDURE.
Wine=VINO for us is very important. We also drink beer=BIRRA.
If you want to know more about Italian food, send me a request for my audio files or reserve a lesson wih me.