BUONGIORNO! Today I want to speak about the verbs ESSERE=to be and AVERE=to have, which are useful both to speak about jobs, nationalities and age and to form the composed tensed of all the verbs.
Here is the verb ESSERE=to be
IO SONO = I am
TU SEI = you are
LUI/LEI/LEI E' = he/she is/you are (courtesy form)
NOI SIAMO = we are
VOI SIETE = you are
LORO SONO = they are
Here is the verb AVERE=to have
IO HO = I have
TU HAI = you have
LUI/LEI/LEI HA = he/she has/you have (courtesy form)
NOI ABBIAMO = we have
VOI AVETE = you have
LORO HANNO = they have
Some examples with job, nationality and age:
Sono un'insegnante. = I am a teacher.
Sono italiana. = I am Italian.
Ho 25 anni. = I am 25.
Some examples with verbs:
Sono andata a casa. = I went home.
Ho scritto una lettera. = I wrote a letter.
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Next time we will speak about names, so later we can see jobs.