08/02/2017 18:43
BUONGIORNO!! As I promised, today I want to speak about greetings. In Italy, we have two kinds of greetings, informal and formal.
When you are speaking to a friend or somebody you already know quite well or a person who is younger than you, you can simply say CIAO, both when you are meeting and when you are leaving.
When you speak with someone you don't know or a person who is older than you, you have to use the courtesy form.
When you are meeting you can say:
- SALVE = hi
- BUONGIORNO = literally it means "good day" but we use it only in the morning, so you can translate it into "good morning"
- BUON POMERIGGIO = good afternoon
- BUONASERA = good evening
When you are saying goodbye, you can tell:
- BUONA GIORNATA = have a nice day
- BUON POMERIGGIO = have a nice afternoon
- BUONA SERATA = have a nice evening
- BUONA NOTTE = good night
- ARRIVEDERCI = see you
So, ARRIVEDERCI. Next time I will tell you how to introduce yourself when you meet new people.