04/27/2016 11:19

  If you are going to spend your holidays in Italy, there are some important sentences you have to keep in your mind. First of all, it is necessary to learn the names of the months: GENNAIO = January, FEBBRAIO = February, MARZO = March, APRILE = April, MAGGIO = May, GIUGNO = June, LUGLIO = July, AGOSTO = August, SETTEMBRE = September, OTTOBRE = October, NOVEMBRE = November, DICEMBRE = December.

For instance, if you have to reserve a room, just say: POSSO PRENOTARE UNA STANZA DAL 5 AL 10 LUGLIO? = Can I reserve a room from the 5th to the 10th of July?

The room can be SINGOLA = single or MATRIMONIALE/DOPPIA = double. 

When you arrive at the hotel you can say: HO UNA PRENOTAZIONE = I have a reservation. 

If you have to ask about breakfast, you have to say: E' INCLUSA LA COLAZIONE? = Is breakfast included?

Usually in Italian hotels you will find continental breakfast which is composed by coffe/cappuccino/tea, an orange juice and a piece of cake/cornetto/bread with jam. But nowadays man hotels have also English or American breakfast. 

If you want to know more about what o say when you are in a hotel, just book a lesson or buy an audio file.