Today we are speaking about how to say what we like and what we dislike.
For instance,
- with verbs, I say MI PIACE CAMMINARE (=I like to walk),
- with singular names, I say MI PIACE LA PIZZA (=I like pizza),
- with plural names, I say MI PIACCIONO GLI SPAGHETTI (=I like spaghetti).
We also speak about modal verbs SAPERE/POTERE (= can), DOVERE (= must), VOLERE (= want).
For example,
- SO NUOTARE (= I can swim) / - SO SCIARE (= I can ski) / - SO GUIDARE LA MACCHINA (= I can drive the car)
- POSSO VENIRE A CASA TUA (= I can come to your place/I am allowed to come to your place)
- DEVO ANDARE A CASA (=I must go home/I have to go home) / - DEVO COMPRARE IL LATTE (= I must buy milk/I have to buy milk)
- VOGLIO PARTECIPARE ALLA FESTA (I want to take part to the party)
If you want to know more about the verb PIACERE or about VERBI MODALI, book a lesson with me.