08/09/2017 08:34

Buongiorno a tutti! Today I would like to explain how to introduce yourself when you meet new people.

First of all you have to pay attention to the context. 

If you are in a formal situation in which you do not know anybody or the people is older that you, you have to use the courtesy form, so you will say: 

- Salve, mi chiamo John Smith. Piacere di conoscerLa, dottor Rossi = Hi, my name is John Smith. Nice to meet you, dr. Rossi. 

If you are speaking with a person who is younger than you or he/she is a friend of one of your friends, you can simply say:

- Ciao, mi chiamo John. Piacere di conoscerti. = Hi, my name is John. Nice to meet you. 

If you want to know more about presentations, take a lesson with me or ask for an audio file about presentations. 

Next times you will find tips about how to speak about your job, nationality and age, but you will also find articles for advanced and graduate students. 

A presto!!